But how do you unify a field with people representing different places, each of whom come to this work with their own histories, experiences, and opinions? For me, the way to do this is to provide the space and opportunity for people concerned about the communities we live in to share ideas, discuss challenges, identify problems and, when possible, agree to a common approach. NACEDA already does this in many different ways, from its regional membership convenings to its larger summits. And therefore it’s natural that, when the Board of Directors commissioned a publication, the result is yet another platform for conversation. Talking Values: Soulful Conversations Within Community Economic Development provided a new space for conversation Its unique format of essays and responses (written or otherwise) is an entirely fitting way to commemorate NACEDA’s 10th Anniversary.
4. Does community development connote a specific mode of practice? And is the term “community development” still useful to audiences external to our field?
We hope you will find the content in Talking Values to be not only helpful and engaging, but also thought provoking and maybe even provocative. NACEDA intentionally sought to reflect the diverse opinions that exist within the community economic development field and to challenge ourselves to consider new ideas and voices. That said, the diverse opinions reflected are a sampling. The release of this publication is the start of a conversation, not a definitive end. Like community development itself, NACEDA intends for Talking Values to evolve conceptually and spur further thought, which is why we have included a discussion guide to help us all engage peers and take a deeper dive into these key questions. We greatly appreciate Cathy Niederberger and PNC Bank for their generous support of Talking Values. We also want to thank Harold Simon and Miriam Axel-Lute of Shelterforce Magazine for guiding content and format, and Joe McNeely, for serving as the publication chair. Finally, thank you for joining us as we journey into the future, using these questions and responses as guideposts. Sharon Legenza