Community developers share their experiences in advancing environmental justice and climate resilience through this peer-learning network. Learn from each other's successes and challenges in accessing resources, developing partnerships, and providing services to underserved communities. Newcomers to this cross-sector work are welcome! 

Join our Peer-Learning Network mailing list. 
You'll receive resources provided by your peers and get notified about our next virtual meeting.

Access resources from our 1st meeting. We focused on these topics:

  • Using AmeriCorps to support environmental justice activities
  • Survey results about our members' environmental justice initiative

Go to the July 31 meeting folder for the slide deck, recording, and speaker bios as well as ideas and resources shared in the breakout rooms and chat box.

 Access our other environmental justice resources:

  • Environmental Justice Special Bulletins — The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act provided $3 billion for Environmental & Climate Justice Programs and $27 billion for the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, both administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We send “Special Bulletins” to alert community developers as EPA and other federal funding and resources become available. If you are not aleady on the Community Opportunity Alliance mailing list, sign up now.

  • Using Clean Energy Tax Credits for Community Development — This webinar featured Ronald Newman, Senior Advisor for Inflation Reduction Act at the U.S. Department of Treasury. Access the webinar recording, slides, and IRA Clean Energy Tax Credit fact sheets.

Questions? Contact Program Manager Ha Nguyen at [email protected]